When staying at Hotel de Bilt, a visit to the National Military Museum should definitely not be missed. Located on the historic grounds of Soesterberg Air Base, this impressive museum offers a fascinating look at the military history of the Netherlands.

National Military Museum: A Treasure House of History

The National Military Museum is not just another museum; it is an experience. It is a paradise for lovers of history and technology. The museum houses an extensive collection of tanks, planes, and other military vehicles, providing a picture of the Dutch armed forces through the ages. From the Middle Ages to modern times, each period is brought to life with interactive exhibits and fascinating information. You will also gain insight into the technology and strategies used over the years.

At the National Military Museum, you will view 5 different exhibitions. These exhibitions are interactive. You will also admire interactive displays and exciting simulators. For example, you can experience what it is like to pilot an F-16 in one of the flight simulators. For children, there are fun and educational activities, such as scavenger hunts and workshops. The museum is located both indoors and outdoors. You can also admire nineteen suspended aircraft.

From the observation tower you can enjoy a beautiful view of Soesterberg Air Base. In fact, the National Military Museum is located around this terrain. Take the elevator to the 6th floor and learn all about the history of this terrain.

Besides visiting the museum, it is also possible to visit the escaperoom. In this bunker you feel the threat of the Cold War. Do you and your team dare to make the right decisions and escape this threat? It's all about technique and strategy!

Spend the night at the National Military Museum

After an inspiring day at the museum, you can return to the comfort of Hotel De Bilt. Our hotel is the perfect base. We offer comfortable rooms, excellent amenities and a welcoming atmosphere. Enjoy a delicious breakfast and dinner in our restaurant.

To enjoy this complete package, we offer the National Military Museum package. Enjoy an overnight stay including entrance tickets. Book today and prepare for an adventure full of history and culture!